聖墓・青獅子の学級 The Holy Tumb (Blue Lions)
(聖墓 昼)
Holy Tomb | Daytime
レア: Byleth、驚きましたか?ここが、聖墓です。
Rhea: Are you surprised, Professor? This is the Holy Tomb.
ディミトリ: すごいな……これほど広大な空間が、大修道院の地下に……。
Dimitri: Incredible. To think such a vast space has been hiding beneath the monastery all this time.
I wonder what powers that giant mechanism that decends beneath the ground.
レア: ……ここは、かつて世界を創った女神と、その眷属たちが眠る場所。
Rhea: This is where the goddess who created this world was laid to rest, along with her children.
レア: この玉座は、我らが主……女神ソティスが座したものと伝わっています。
Rhea: It is said that our creator―the goddess Sothis―sat upon this very throne.
Professor, do you recognize this throne?
Choice 1: ある I do. (Rhea ⤴)
レア: ああ……本当に。本当に、この日を待ちわびました。
Rhea: So long... I have waited so very long for this day.
Choice 2: ない I do not.
レア: 私に隠し事は不要です。あなたは見ているでしょう、夢を……。
Rhea: There is no need to hide anything from me. You have seen it, haven't you? In a dream...
レア: 玉座に座りなさい、Byleth。必ずや女神の啓示があるでしょう。
Rhea: Sit upon the throne. I have no doubt you will be gifted a revelation from the goddess.
レア: ……どうです、Byleth。何か……
Rhea: Well?
It was supposed to be but a step away. What could possibly be missing?
ディミトリ: ……!誰だ!
Dimitri: Halt! Reveal yourself!
メトジェイ: ケェッヘッヘ……全員、動くな!動けば命はないぞ!
Metodey: Don't move, any of you. If you move, your lives will be forfeit.
Thank you ever so much for guiding us this far. The Imperial army will now take possession of everything in the Holy Tomb.
ドゥドゥー: ……なぜ、帝国軍がここに。
Dedue: Why is the Imperial Army here?
イングリット: 嘘でしょう……ガルグ=マクの中にどうやって……!?
Ingrid: This can't be. How did they get into Garreg Mach?
シルヴァン: 見ろ、どうやら炎帝までお出ましみたいだぜ。つまりは……
Sylvain: Even the Flame Emperor is here. That can only mean...
フェリクス: 炎帝と帝国は繋がっていたということか。……ふ、面白い!
Felix: The Flame Emperor is connected to the Empire. What do you know.
ディミトリ: ここで貴様と再び見えるとはな。何をしに来た、炎帝。
Dimitri: I never imagined you'd have the nerve to return here. What are you after, Flame Emperor?
炎帝: ……知れたこと。聖墓には力が眠る。このフォドラを統べるための力がな。
Flame Emperor: Is it not obvious? The Holy Tomb contains great power. The power to rule all of Fódlan.
ディミトリ: そのために、死者の安楽も、生者の信仰も、何もかも踏みにじるのか。
Dimitri: And to attain that power, you'll trample anything that stands in your way.
Just like you did in Duscur!
炎帝: ……知ったことではないな。
Flame Emperor: I had nothing to do with that.
Quickly, retrieve the Crest Stones! Kill for them if you must.
レア: ……無礼な。神聖な墓所を踏み荒らした罪はその命をもってあがなってもらいます。
Rhea: Insolence! You will atone for the sin of tramping on this holy resting place!
Professor. Destroy these villainous traitors who dare dishonor our creator!